Thursday, March 24, 2011

Lesson 7- WordCat and More FirstSearch Indexes

Part 1
1. I went to Advanced Search and chose title phrase in the menu, checked books and searched for "Angels & Demons".  2.  I found 183 records and 1655 libraries had #1.  Clicking the link took me Augustana College Library.  3. Class descriptor PS3552.R685434, Author is Dan Brown and other books were "The Da Vinci Code" and "The Lost Symbol".  Under subjects was Papacy and Vatican City.  Fiction under Papacy was "Death of a Pope" and under Vatican City was "Day of Confession".  This tool would be great for finding books a your local library.
2. I searched in OAIster and went to subject phrase and chose "Observations on Bats at Badlands National Park, South Dakota.  Clicking the link next to Access took me to a US Geological Survey abstract of the survey of bats at badlands.  In the left column I discovered a link to the USGS home.  I could get maps, photos, and publications here.  Chose another link and I was at the University of Nebraska Lincoln site.  I believe the author of "bats" was from here.  I had many discoveries.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you, Boxe! Thanks for exploring and commenting here.
